Endocytosis of MHC molecules by B cell-B lymphoma and B cell-T lymphoma hybrids.

Different cells and different cell surface determinants of the same cells take up liposomes, bound to them via monoclonal antibodies, with variable efficiency. We have previously reported that T and B lymphocytes differ in the extent to which they take up liposomes bound to MHC class I molecules; T cells endocytose class I molecules rapidly, but B cells endocytose class I molecules much less efficiently, although their endocytosis of class II molecules is rapid. An approach toward understanding the molecular basis for this difference was made by evaluating the internalization patterns of somatic cell hybrids of B and T cells. Hybrid cells were constructed between LPS-stimulated purified B cell blasts from C57BL/6 mice (H-2b) and the HAT-sensitive AKR T lymphoma BW 5147 (H-2k). Hybrids between the BALB/c B lymphoma M12.4.1 (H-2d) and B cell LPS blasts from B10.BR (H-2k) mice were also evaluated. In all cases, for hybrid tumor cells, liposomes that were bound to class I molecules encoded by genes from the B cell donor were endocytosed as efficiently as liposomes bound to the class I molecules of the recipient lymphoid cell. T cell tumors efficiently internalized their own class I molecules and those donated by B cells; B cell tumors internalized liposomes that were bound to their own and the donor B cell class I molecules poorly. Thus, our results suggest that the internalization of an MHC molecule is not an intrinsic property of the molecule, but rather of the cell in which it is found.

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