New Techniques for Capturing and Analyzing Semiochemicals for Scolytid Beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae)

Techniques are described for capturing and analyzing volatiles that emanate from newly established galleries of scolytid beetles in on-tree or phloem sandwich preparations. They include an air input system that collects volatiles from the gallery entrance, a micro-Porapak Q trap, and gas-liquid chromatography through a 60-m, fused-silica capillary column. In studies on Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, D. rufipennis Hopkins, and Ips pini (Say), the techniques have proven to be useful in determining simultaneously the quantity and quality of all semiochemicals produced by host tissue and individual beetles; demonstrating how pheromone production can vary in relation to a beetle’s sex, behavior, mating status, and stage of gallery development; and establishing behaviorally optimal and environmentally acceptable release rates for semiochemicals used in pest management programs.