Clinical, morphologic, and cytogenetic characteristics of patients with lymphoid malignancies characterized by both t(14;18)(q32;q21) and t(8;14)(q24;q32) or t(8;22)(q24;q11)

Six patients with an aggressive leukemia/lymphoma disorder had a t(14;18) as well as either a t(8;14) (three patients) or a t(8;22) (three patients). Leukemia cells from all three patients with the t(8;22) had a mature B cell phenotype (Smlg+ and TdT), whereas two of three patients with the t(8;14) had a pre‐B phenotype and were Smlg. None of the patients with the t(8;22) had a prior history of follicular lymphoma, whereas two of the three patients with the t(8;14) had had a follicular lymphoma. The clinical, cytogenetic, and morphologic characteristics of these six patients along with eight previously reported cases with both the t(14;18), and the t(8;14), the t(8;22) or the t(2;8) are discussed.