Evanescent-wave amplification in asymmetric-slab waveguides

The amplification of monochromatic light propagating as a bound mode in an asymmetric-slab waveguide with a passive core and both active and passive cladding regions is considered. The active-cladding region is assumed to be optically pumped by light of a different frequency, which also propagates as a bound mode of the structure. Power is extracted from the structure by the interaction of the evanescent field of the signal mode with the region of the cladding that is optically pumped by the evanescent field of the pump mode. The structure is thus termed an evanescent-wave amplifier. The relationships governing the strength of evanescent-wave interactions in the amplifier are derived using perturbation theory. The amplifier is characterized by two quantities: the net-gain coefficient (NGC) and the interaction length (L). These quantities have been calculated for typical amplifier configurations for all the bound-mode pairs supported by the structure; the effects of parasitic losses in the passive-cladding region are discussed.

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