Variation in mineral composition of Cox's Orange Pippin apples

The amounts per unit weight of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium in individual Cox's Orange Pippin apples from the single tree vary by a factor of two.Replicate random samples of 25 apples from one tree should (19 times out of 20) give means within ±6% of the true mean for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium.The amounts per unit weight of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and calcium in different regions of an apple vary several‐fold, the gradient being from outer cortex to core.The proportionality previously reported between potassium and magnesium from different treatments and different seasons applies to single apples and to portions of an apple.Magnesium and phosphorus show a very highly significant correlation in portions of apple, and also between apples, which has not been evident between seasons and between treatments.