How can the EC's cclence polzcy mteruentzons be evaluated at the supranational level? For scientometrics, this problem has raised various interesting research questions ( I ) how can the system(s) be mearuled at the national and at the supranational level, (2) how me the dynamics between these two levels of analysis to be understood; and (3) if a European system does emerge, how should it be decomposed with reference to explunatory factors like policy interventions? In addition to descriptive statistics, these questions require a systems theoretical elaboration.Entropy measures from chaos theory enable usto integrate the systems theoretical perspective with scientometric observations. The conclusions are that the EC does not function currently as a single publication system, but the development of international co-authorship relations among member countries does exhibit a systematic pattern. The co-authorship network has grown vigorously during the 1980s. notably in terms of co-authored article. The possible effects of external interuention in tuch a process are discussed.