Identification of Elastic Properties of Composite Laminates

This article is focused on application of the response surface method (RSM) for solution of structural identification problems. The approximating functions are obtained from the data of deterministic numerical experiment. The numerical experiment is performed in the sample points of experiment design. A minimal mean squared distance Latin hypercube (MMSDLH) design is used in the present paper. For building the response surfaces, a local approximation method is employed. An example of application of the response surface method and experiment design for identification of elastic properties of laminated composite material is discussed. Elastic properties of carbon/epoxy laminate are determined employing the experimentally measured eigenfrequencies of composite plates. The identification functional represents differences between experimentally measured and numerically calculated frequencies, which are dependent on variables to be identified. The identification parameters are five elastic constants of material. The elastic constants identified from vibration test have been compared with the values obtained from independent static test. Good agreement of the results is observed.