Sequential Sulphur Availability Affected by Town Refuse Compost Application

A greenhouse pot experiment was carried out dealing with the effect on sequential sulphur availability of applied town refuse compost, either alone or supplemented with different mineral additions. The experimental design included six treatments: soil (T); soil plus compost (C); and four treatments including soil plus compost plus different mineral additions of N, P, K and S. A ryegrass culture (Lolium perenne L., c.v. Argo) was grown in the pots and six harvests of plant material were obtained. Compost addition (C) decreased the sulphur uptake of the first four harvests, but in the following cuttings an increase of sulphur uptake was promoted by (C) compared to (T). With regard to the compost supplemented with mineral fertilizers, the sulphur uptake increased, compared to (T), when treatments included nitrogen and decreased when they included phosphorus, potassium or sulphur.