New C-14 Datings of Late Palaeolithic Cultures from Northwestern Europe

New and more accurate C-14 dates of Alfred Rust's classical finds from Poggenwisch, Meiendorf, and Stellmoor have been carried out. At all three localities, find assemblages of the Hamburgian Culture is dated to the period c. 12500—12100 b.p. in C-14 years, whereas the industry of the Ahrensburgian Culture at Stellmoor gave ages within a narrow time interval at approximately 10100—9900 b.p. in C-14 years. Based on the C-14 datings, the time relations, and the possible genetic relations, between a number of Late Glacial and Post Glacial technocomplexes are discussed, i.e. the Magdalenian, the Hamburgian, the Federmesser, the Bromme, the Ahrensburgian and the Maglemosian complexes.