Treatment Problems Leading to Readmissions of Schizophrenic Patients

TREATMENT of chronic schizophrenic patients has shifted from prolonged to shortterm hospitalization with a resultant high incidence of rehospitalization and a significant degree of morbidity within the community.13This shift makes it imperative to provide chronically ill schizophrenic patients with effective aftercare. The Community Psychiatric Service of the University of Pennsylvania places considerable emphasis on helping discharged patients to remain in the community using a range of aftercare facilities; despite this emphasis, 30% of the schizophrenic patients admitted to the hospital are experiencing readmissions. The present study was undertaken to delineate the reasons for the failure of the aftercare facilities to prevent rehospitalization. The events leading to the readmission of 45 schizophrenic patients were studied and the patients' clinical course was observed for one year after their discharge. During this period of follow-up methods for preventing a recurrence of

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