Analysis of Duck Hepatitis B Virus Reverse Transcription Indicates a Common Mechanism for the Two Template Switches during Plus-Strand DNA Synthesis

The synthesis of the hepadnavirus relaxed circular DNA genome requires two template switches, primer translocation and circularization, during plus-strand DNA synthesis. Repeated sequences serve as donor and acceptor templates for these template switches, with direct repeat 1 (DR1) and DR2 for primer translocation and 5′r and 3′r for circularization. These donor and acceptor sequences are at, or near, the ends of the minus-strand DNA. Analysis of plus-strand DNA synthesis of duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV) has indicated that there are at least three other cis -acting sequences that make contributions during the synthesis of relaxed circular DNA. These sequences, 5E, M, and 3E, are located near the 5′ end, the middle, and the 3′ end of minus-strand DNA, respectively. The mechanism by which these sequences contribute to the synthesis of plus-strand DNA was unclear. Our aim was to better understand the mechanism by which 5E and M act. We localized the DHBV 5E element to a short sequence of approximately 30 nucleotides that is 100 nucleotides 3′ of DR2 on minus-strand DNA. We found that the new 5E mutants were partially defective for primer translocation/utilization at DR2. They were also invariably defective for circularization. In addition, examination of several new DHBV M variants indicated that they too were defective for primer translocation/utilization and circularization. Thus, this analysis indicated that 5E and M play roles in both primer translocation/utilization and circularization. In conjunction with earlier findings that 3E functions in both template switches, our findings indicate that the processes of primer translocation and circularization share a common underlying mechanism.