Timing of the Auxin Response in Coleoptiles and Its Implications Regarding Auxin Action

The timing of the auxin response was followed in oat and corn coleoptile tissue by a sensitive optical method in which the elongation of about a dozen coleoptile segments was recorded automatically. The response possesses a latent period of about 10 min at 23 degrees C, which is extended by low concentrations of KCN or by reducing the temperature, but is not extended by pretreatments with actinomycin D, puromycin, or cycloheximide at concentrations that partially inhibit the elongation response. Analysis of the data indicates that auxin probably does not act on the elongation of these tissues by promoting the synthesis of informational RNA or of enzymatic protein. Not excluded is the possibility that auxin acts at the translational level to induce synthesis of a structural protein, such as cell wall protein or membrane protein. While the data do not provide direct support for this hypothesis, the speed with which cycloheximide inhibits elongation suggests that continual protein synthesis may be important in the mechanism of cell wall expansion.