Transduction was performed, using galactose negative strains derived from Escherichia coli K 12 and using temperate phage o 170 isolated from natural sources. When a nonlysogenic recipient was used for transduction, a heterogenote (lysogenic syngenoe) was isolated. The heterogenote produced an HFT lysate after induction by UV irradiation. When lamda-lysogenic strains were used as recipients the resulting doubly lysogenic transductants were unstable and segregated Gal- progeny. Preferential elimination of exogenote and transducing phage was observed in this segregation. Unstable lysogeny was observed in doubly lysogenic strains of non-transductant type, when elimination of prophage was not preferential: the segregants were either singly lysogenic for each parental type, or doubly lysogenic or non-lysogenic. It was concluded that segregation of non-lysogenic clones from unstable doubly lysogenic strains presented a useful tool for the isolation of non-lysogenic derivatives from various lysogenic strains of K 12 carrying lamda.