Influence of some field‐applied nematicides on microflora and mineral nutrients in an organic soil1

Nematicide formulations Bunema, Telone II, Telone C 17, Temik, Nemacur, Vydate, Nematak and Furadan were applied at 1.5 to 2X of normal doses to 1.8 × 3 m field plots of carrots (Daucus carota L. Var. sativa DC cv Goldpak). The plots were on an organic soil heavily infested with Meloidogyne hapla Chitwood, the northern root knot nematode which parasitizes carrots. Application of Temik did not cause prolonged or marked changes in microbial population of the soil. The addition of Nematak increased the fungal population for up to 30 days while its effect on bacterial plus actinomycetal population was ambivalent and transitory. Both fungi and bacteria + actinomycetes groups were increased by Nemacur for 0–9 days but the bacterial and actinomycetal population was decreased at 30 days after application. Vydate and the carbamate nematicides Furadan and Bunema generally increased the microbial population, particularly the fungi. The chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons Telone II and Tel one C17 caused marked increments in fungal, bacterial and actinomycetal populations 0 to 28 days after application. Available plant nutrient (NH+ 4, NO 3, PO 4, K+) levels and soil pH were unaffected by the nematicide applications except for an increase in NH+ 4 level caused by Bunema, Telone II and Telone C17, and a temporary decrease in NO 3 concentration where Telone II and Telone C17 were added.