• 1 July 1975
    • journal article
    • abstracts
    • Vol. 54  (7) , 612-9
The mucosa of the cheek-pouch of five golden Syrian Hamsters was irradiated with the beam of an argonionlaser (diameter 0.5 mm and 200 mW). The effect on the micro- and macro-vessels and the bloodstream, especially of the microcirculation, is studied intravitalmicroscopically. In the microcirculation and also in the small and large venous and arterial vessels a restriction of bloodstream, praestasis, pendulumstream, stream reversal and some white microthrombi, -- emboli and agglutination of erythrocytes are visible. The bloodless welding of the vessels takes place even before the evaporation and coagulation necrosis of the surrounding epithelium of the mucosa as a result of the relatively selective effect of the Argon Laser on the reddish vessel-system by a continuous narrowing of the vessels-walls to the complete loss of their lumen rather than by a thrombosis. Firstly the capillaries, the venoles and the arterioles are obliterated, then those of middle size and at last the large venae and arteries in which case large vessels function for a moment as smaller ones. A continuously growing imbibition with increasing duration of the laser irradiation can be observed. Three clinically important phenomenon, depending on the laserdose can be observed: 1. a partial, 2. a subtotal and total obliteration of the network of the vessels, and 3. a total destruction of the blood-vessels and also of the tissue. Therefore clinically a subtotal or total network obliteration of the blood-vessels of strongly vascularised tissues, haemangiomas, teleangiectasias in case of morbus Rendu-Weber-Osler and livid enlarged nasal conchae might be obtained. Further a total tissue-destruction with a break in the continuity of the tissue for example with strongly vascularised carcinoma or its metastases might be effected.