Structure of Intrinsic States of K = 0+ Bands in 20Ne: Study of Transient Character

The intrinsic structure of 20Ne with Kπ = 0+ is investigaed from the viewpoint of the structure change that it has a transient character from the shell-like to the α+ 16O molecule-like structure. We set up a physical path of the structure change on the basis of the studies of the gap energy of the inversion doublet model and of the “deviation energy” from the α+ 16O threshold. We give a microscopic alpha-particle model formulation to represent the structure change along this physical path in the framework of the generator coordinate method. We have obtained as the solutions of the Hill-Wheeler equation the shell-like and molecule-like states with mutual interpenetration character. The essential features of the properties of the ground, 6.72 MeV 0+ and ∼8.3 MeV 0+ levels, are shown to be well understood from our approach.

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