Involvement of integrin alpha V gene expression in human melanoma tumorigenicity.

Human melanoma originates in the skin and can lead to wide-spread metastatic disease. Analysis of melanoma biopsy material has shown that the vitronectin receptor, integrin alpha v beta 3, is a specific marker of the most malignant cells, i.e., vertically invasive primary lesions or distant metastases (Albelda, S. M., S. A. Mette, D. E. Elder, R. Stewart, L. Damjanovich, M. Herlyn, and C. A. Buck. 1990. Cancer Res. 50:6757-6764), suggesting a role for this adhesion receptor in the malignant growth of human melanoma tumors. A cell model was established to analyze the role of alpha v integrins on the tumorigenicity of human melanoma. From M21 human melanoma cells, stable variants were selected that lack alpha v gene expression and thus fail to express integrin alpha v beta 3 (M21-L cells). These cells not only lost the ability to attach to vitronectin but showed a dramatic reduction in tumorigenicity when transplanted into athymic nude mice, compared with M21 cells, even though both cell types showed identical beta 1 integrin expression and growth properties in vitro. M21-L cells were stably transfected with a cDNA-encoding alpha v. This resulted in the functional expression of integrin alpha v beta 3 on these cells and completely restored their tumorigenicity. Thus, integrin alpha v gene expression and the resulting adhesive phenotype are directly involved in the proliferation of human melanoma in vivo.