The Use of the Implantable Chemoinfusion Pump in the Treatment of Hepatic Metastases of Colorectal Cancer

• Fifty-five chemoinfusion devices have been implanted in patients with metastasis of colorectal cancer confined to the liver. There were no episodes of pump malfunction or of catheter clotting. Side effects included gastric ulcers in 13 patients and duodenal ulcers in four patients, including one episode of total gastric obstruction. Chemical hepatitis occurred in 13 patients, sclerosing cholangiolitis in one patient, and duodenal dismotility requiring gastroenterostomy in one patient. The response criterion was taken as reduction by at least 50% of the pretreatment carcinoembryonic antigen level; consequently, the response rate was 88%. Median survival of all patients was 19.2 months from the time of diagnosis of hepatic metastases to death, as determined by the Kaplan-Meier method. Median survival from the time of pump implantation to death was 10.1 months. (Arch Surg 1986;121:1440-1444)