Optical probe of anisotropic and incoherent charge dynamics in a layered ferromagnet:La1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7

Highly anisotropic optical conductivity spectra and their temperature variation have been investigated for a layered ferromagnetic (Tc=121 K) crystal of La22xSr1+2xMn2O7 (x=0.4). The in-plane spectra show conspicuous spectral-weight transfer over an energy region of 0–3 eV with evolution of spin polarization below Tc and in the ferromagnetic, highly conducting ground state form a prominent peak structure around 0.4 eV with minimal Drude weight. By contrast, the c-axis spectra show little change with temperature and remain insulatorlike. The results indicate highly incoherent dynamics of the fully quasi-two dimensional spin-polarized carriers.