Deep vein thrombosis in a 13‐year‐old boy with hereditary protein S deficiency and a review of the pediatric literature

We report a 13‐year‐old boy with hereditary deficiency of protein S, who developed a deep vein thrombosis of the lower limb after a varicella with severe cutaneous lesions. Hereditary protein S deficiency is an established cause of thrombophllia; however thrombotic events are seldom described in pediatric patients. A review of previous literature revealed 35 cases, 16 girls and 19 boys, with a first episode below of the age of 18 years old (x = 10y). The 57% of the patients had venous thrombosis, 20% arterial thrombosis, and 14% both and in 9% the type of thrombosis was not reported. Predisposing factors were referred In only 12 cases. The deficiencies can be classified as type 1 in 25 patients and type III in 8.