Simultaneous measurements of meteor winds and green line intensity variations: Gravity waves and planetary waves

We provide evidence of the influence of planetary waves on the intensity variations of the 557.7‐nm airglow emission. The comparison relies on simultaneous measurements at four different stations located between 37°N and 56°N in latitude, 36°E and 3°W in longitude: meteor wind observations in France and USSR and optical measurements at 557.7 nm in France and Spain, in July 1971. An oscillation of period near 2 days had been identified in the wind data; it is also apparent on the nightglow intensity variations. Its characteristics are well accounted for by the first symmetric mode of the 52‐ hour period planetary oscillation of horizontal wave number 3, described previously (Glass et al., 1975). A 4±1 hour period gravity wave apparently present in the data of the French stations is discussed.

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