This paper deals with N.M.R. electric field experiments on mixtures of polar and non-polar liquids. Alignment of the molecular dipoles by application of a strong electric field is manifested in the N.M.R. spectrum of the polar component. 2H and some 14N N.M.R. electric field experiments are reported for perdeuteronitrobenzene, dissolved in benzene and carbon tetrachloride. The data display the dependence of the local field on the composition of the mixture in a direct manner. The Lorentz and Onsager local field models are shown to give no adequate description in concentrated solutions of perdeuteronitrobenzene in benzene and carbon tetrachloride. Molecular interactions in the theoretical expression of the alignment of the polar component are described in terms of correlation functions for the mixture. A detailed formula for the dipolar alignment, which should be valid for dilute solutions, is compared with experiment.