A perturbation treatment is presented for the operator u(t) giving the evolution of the state vector of a system of N particles coupled by 2-body forces. The total Hamiltonian is divided into a diagonal part H0 and off-diagonal part H1 in the representation with N-particle plane-wave states as basis. An effective pair-interaction operator H¯1 is defined which includes "vertex" corrections of all orders, and the off-diagonal part of u is expressed exactly by an expansion which involves only H¯1 and the exact diagonal part of u. A closed set of equations determining H¯1 and the diagonal part of u are obtained by retaining only the leading terms in the expansion. These equations include all the corrections included in the Brueckner approximation and, in addition, they contain 3-body effects, iterated to all orders, which are omitted in that approximation. No one-to-one correspondence between the eigenstates of H0 and those of the total Hamiltonian is appealed to, and the ground state plays no special role. The connection with statistical mechanics follows the fact that the partition function is Tr[u(ikT)]. The theory simplifies greatly for very large N.