The Influence of Gender, Age, and the Menstrual Cycle on Plasma Atrial Natriuretic Peptide*

To examine the influence of gender, age, and the menstrual cycle on atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) levels, we measured daily levels of ANP, aldosterone, estrogen, and progesterone in 13 young women (ages 25-35 yr) during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and daily ANP and aldosterone levels in 9 young men (ages 25-43 yr) for 10 consecutive days. In addition, fasting plasma ANP levels were assayed in 12 elderly male (ages 62-86 yr) and 9 elderly female subjects (ages 64-80 yr) on at least two separate occasions. The average daily ANP levels in the young women were much higher than those in the men (68.1 .+-. 5.5 vs. 39.8 .+-. 3.4 pmol/L; P < 0.001), although no cyclical changes in ANP levels were observed. ANP levels were 94.0 .+-. 17.9 pmol/L in elderly men and 78.3 .+-. 19.4 pmol/L in elderly women. Aldosterone levels were higher in women than men during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (1154 .+-. 125 vs. 488 .+-. 42 pmol/L; P < 0.001), but not during the periovulatory perid (580 .+-. 103 pmol/L) or during menses (563 .+-. 61 pmol/L). In conclusion, ANP levels in young women average approximately twice those in young men, but do not fluctuate with the cyclical changes in estrogen, progesterone, and aldosterone seen during the menstrual cycle. However, ANP levels in postmenopausal women are not greater than those in age-matched elderly men. Thus, gender appears to affect the secretion or metabolism of ANP during the premenopausal years of life.