Dynamic mechanical analysis of rubber toughened epoxy resins

Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) was used to characterize cured epoxy resin formulations from −150°C to temperatures above their α transitions. The resins were aromatic amine and aliphatic amine cured and were modified with carboxylterminated acrylonitrile‐butadiene (CTBN) rubbers to improve their toughness, A DuPont 981 dynamic mechanical analyzer was used to measure the modulus and mechanical loss factor (tan δ) of the samples. Changes in the α and β transitions in the scan of tan δ as a function of temperature were related to changes in the formulation. Relations were also sought between changes in the DMA data and fracture and impact toughness of the cured formulations obtained using an instrumented impact test. Impact tests were performed at −196°C and at room temperature. Results indicate that fracture toughness and the dynamic mechanical properties are affected by the amount of rubber, the compatibility of the rubber and epoxy, and changes in the curing agent stoichiometry.