Active displacement on the Calaveras fault zone at Hollister, California

The Calaveras fault zone, which is a major branch of the San Andreas fault system in northern California, passes through the City of Hollister 160 km (100 miles) southeast of San Francisco. Active fault displacement (fault creep slippage) has occurred in and near Hollister along a fault trace within the Calaveras fault zone. Various man-made structures crossing the fault trace have been deformed and gradually offset in a right-lateral sense. The amount of offset varies directly with age of the structure. The maximum offset is 33 cm (13 in) of a sidewalk constructed in the period 1909 to 1914. Offsets on dated structures indicate displacement rates of approximately 2 mm/yr (0.08 in/yr) from 1909 to 1925 and 6 mm/yr (0.24 in/yr) from 1925 to 1967. Data obtained from periodic measurement of specially designed survey lines and instruments have indicated a displacement rate of 9 mm/yr (0.4 in/yr) since May 1967. Displacements of the survey lines are not associated with local earthquake events. Rates of active fault displacement vary with time and position along the Calaveras and San Andreas fault zones in the Hollister area. The pattern of this variation suggests that active displacement on the San Andreas fault zone may be transferring northeastward to the Calaveras fault zone.