Structure in theLII,IIIAbsorption of Aluminum and its Oxides

The LII,III region of absorption has been observed for thin films of evaporated aluminum, for amorphous (anodized) Al2 O3, and for crystalline (γ-alumina) Al2 O3. The spectra were obtained in high resolution (0.06 Å), using the NBS 180-MeV electron synchrotron as a background source. The LII,III absorption edges of Al are located with improved accuracy at 169.49±0.05 Å and 170.49±0.05 Å. This new value for the LIII edge can be combined with recent accurate determinations of the Kα1 emission line to locate also the K absorption edge of aluminum with a significant improvement in accuracy. Structure on the high-energy side of the LII,III edges is compatible with other recent observations. The L absorption edge of Al in Al2 O3 is not split in high resolution, and is located at 162.11±0.15 Å for the amorphous form and 160.15±0.15 Å for the γ-alumina. Both forms show considerable structure on the high-energy side of the edge. That observed for the amorphous form is in agreement with other recent observations, while the absorption structure in γ-alumina (with maxima at 78.0, 78.6, 79.5, 84, and 99 eV) is reported here for the first time.

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