Administration of the WISC-R Performance Scale to Hearing-Impaired Children Using Pantomimed Instructions

The majority of practicing school psychologists involved in the evaluation of Hearing Impaired (HI) children are not fluent in methods of manual communication. Although other instruments are available for evaluation of the HI, the Performance Scale of the WISC-R is most frequently selected as the primary intellectual assessment tool. The present study addressed the efficacy of administering the WISC-R Performance Scale to HI children through pantomimed instructions. The sample consisted of 40 HI children between the ages of eight years and 0 months and 11 years and 11 months who were attending a public school for the deaf. Results were compared with a HI normative study. It was concluded that while there were some statistically significant differences between the groups, relevant information can be obtained by examiners employing pantomimed instructions. Cautions for interpretation of results obtained through modified administration procedures are also discussed.