Modeling Regulatory Networks at Virginia Tech

The life of a cell is governed by the physicochemical properties of a complex network of interacting macromolecules (primarily genes and proteins). Hence, a full scientific understanding of and rational engineering approach to cell physiology require accurate mathematical models of the spatial and temporal dynamics of these macromolecular assemblies, especially the networks involved in integrating signals and regulating cellular responses. The Virginia Tech Consortium is involved in three specific goals of DARPA's computational biology program (Bio-COMP): to create effective software tools for modeling gene-protein-metabolite networks, to employ these tools in creating a new generation of realistic models, and to test and refine these models by well-conceived experimental studies. The special emphasis of this group is to understand the mechanisms of cell cycle control in eukaryotes (yeast cells and frog eggs). The software tools developed at Virginia Tech are designed to meet general requirements of modeling regulatory networks and are collected in a problem-solving environment called JigCell.