This paper deals with yeast cell-wall lytic enzymes formed by Streptomyces with regard to the connection with the cell-wall structure. In the first place, 29 organisms of β-glucanase-producing Streptomycetes were selected among 777 strains belonging to genus Streptomyces by means of a cylinder-plate method employing the yeast glucan as a substrate. As for these organisms, the depolymerizing activity against the yeast glucan was considered to be mainly due to β-1, 3-glucanase activity. Against the heat-treated cell of bakers' yeast, the crude enzymes merely showed poor lytic activities, however, in the combined employment with some protease prepara-tions, especially with an alkaline protease from St. satsumaensis nov. sp., a remarkable increase of the lytic activities was demonstrated. On the other hand, the intact cell wall of bakers' yeast, or both the heat-treated and the intact cells of Sacch. cerevisiae 18.29 strain were dissolved very easily by a sole action of β-glucanase or of protease, respectively. In consequence, it seemed that the lysis occurred with different mechanisms in response to differences of substrates. On this subject, the results of investigations and discussions were described in special measure. In addition, the possibility, that some other enzymes than β-glucanase or protease might concern to the lysis of the cell wall, was also investigated and discussed.