Antiferromagnetic Correlations and Weak Ferromagnetism in aTDAE+C60Single Crystal

The ESR spectra of a TDAE+C60 single crystal show the existence of antiferromagnetic (AFM) correlations between the unpaired spins on neighboring C60 ions along the c axis and spin canting which leads, below Tc, to weak ferromagnetism along a direction perpendicular to the c axis. This suggests that a Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya type mechanism is responsible for ferromagnetic ordering rather than itinerant ferromagnetism. The incomplete orientational ordering of the C60 ions leads to a distribution of exchange coupling constants resulting in spin-glass type behavior which coexists with long range ferromagnetic ordering below Tc. The observation of AFM correlations may help to understand why the same basic molecule C60 can support such different phenomena as ferromagnetism (in TDAE-C60) and superconductivity (in, e.g., K3 C60).