CPviolation and CKM phases from angular distributions forBsdecays into admixtures ofCPeigenstates

We investigate the time evolutions of angular distributions for Bs decays into final states that are admixtures of CP-even and CP-odd configurations. A sizable lifetime difference between the Bs mass eigenstates allows a probe of CP violation in time-dependent untagged angular distributions. Interference effects between different final state configurations of BsDs*+Ds*, J/ψφ determine the Wolfenstein parameter η from untagged data samples, or, if one uses |Vub|/|Vcb| as additional input, the notoriously difficult to measure CKM angle γ. Another determination of γ is possible by using isospin symmetry of strong interactions to relate untagged data samples of BsK*+K* and BsK*0K¯*0. We note that the untagged angular distribution for Bsρ0φ provides interesting information about electroweak penguin diagrams.
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