A case of ‘pure’ dynamic mechano-allodynia due to a lesion of the spinal cord: pathophysiological considerations

We report the unusual observation of a patient who presented with the single symptom of a very intense, brush-induced allodynia (dynamic mechanical allodynia) which was strictly confined to the left C2 and C3 dermatomes. All investigations, including a cervical spinal MRI, were initially normal. The clinical picture remained stable for several months until the appearance of spontaneous pain and sensory deficits suggestive of a spinal lesion. A second MRI revealed an intraspinal lesion involving the C2–C5 segments. In accordance with other clinical and animal studies, such an observation of a ‘pure’ dynamic mechano-allodynia suggests that specific mechanisms underlie each component of neuropathic pain. Possible pathophysiological mechanisms are discussed in the light of recent experimental results obtained in animals.