Age‐dependent changes in the carbohydrate pattern of human prostatic epithelium as determined by peroxidase‐labeled lectins

Peroxidase‐conjugated lectins (peanut agglutinin: PNA; Ricinus communis agglutinin: RCA) were used for histochemical demonstration of the respective carbohydrate binders (PNA: β‐D‐galactosyl‐(1‐3)‐N‐acetyl‐galactosamine; RCA: D‐galactose). The study of prostatic specimens from four different age groups showed marked differences in cytoplasmic PNA binding of prostatic epithelium. The basal cells of the glandular epithelium displayed cytoplasmic PNA binding only in the infantile stage and during early puberty. With the onset of puberty a number increasing with age of secretory cells developed cytoplasmic binding of PNA, mostly appearing as apically located vacuoles. Intraluminal secretion, however, was never stained. During senile involution the prostatic epithelium lost rapidly its PNA binding capacity. Since no RCA binding of the epithelium was observered, the carbohydrate moiety responsible for PNA binding presumably represents a galactosyl‐N‐acetyl‐galactosamine containing molecule, most likely a glycoprotein, which is present in actively functioning pro‐static epithelial cells. It is uncertain whether or not it represents a structural or a secretory component of the prostatic cell.