ΔσL(pp) and jet physics

We show that there is a positive contribution to ΔσL(pp;s) =σtot(p(+)p(+);s) -σtot(p(+)p();s) (where the ± refer to proton helicities) associated with the pointlike scattering of fundamental constituents. The magnitude and energy dependence of this hard-scattering component are related to the small-x behavior of spin-weighted parton densities. Simple arguments imply that this positive contribution would, at very large s, be larger in absolute value than the negative contribution to ΔσL predicted from the exchange of the A1 Reggeon. Measurements of ΔσL in the energy range √s =18–30 GeV should help clarify theoretical ideas associated with the observation of ‘‘minijets’’ and could aid in the prediction of event structure at future high-energy colliders.