Involvement of Central Somatostatin in the Alteration of GH Secretion in Starved Rats

In order to determine the central or peripheral origin of the starvation-induced modifications of growth hormone (GH) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) secretions, the effects of starvation were studied in freely moving male rats with hypothalamo-hypophyseal disconnection. Five days after the disconnection GH secretion exhibited lower maximal values and higher trough levels and ultradian pulsatile secretion was lost as compared to controls. TSH levels were also decreased. The lesion did not modify pituitary somatostatin (SRIF) receptors as assessed by 125I-Tyr-O-D-Trp-8-SRIF binding or inhibition of adenylate cyclase activity. On the other hand, the growth hormone releasing factor (GRF) capacity to stimulate adenylate cyclase was strongly reduced by the lesion without modification of the affinity. Exposure to 72 h food deprivation decreased GH pulses and TSH levels in control rats but did not modify GH secretory profiles or TSH levels of lesioned rats. Plasma glucose and insulin levels were equally decreased after fasting in control and lesioned rats. Altogether, our results demonstrate that starvation-induced modifications of GH and TSH secretions are of central origin while glucose and insulin changes are peripherally triggered. They suggest that the hypothalamus is the only source of SRIF implicated in this effect.