Distribution of repetitious sequences in chick nuclear DNA

By an improved method of hydroxylapatite chromatography, the reassociated sequences of chick nuclear DNA were isolated, and their base composition analysed. By increasing the amount of reassociation, the G + C content of the renatured sequences decreased progressively to reach a mean value corresponding to that of the total DNA. In order to study the distribution of the families, or group of families having different amount of reassociation, DNA was fractionated by CsC1 density gradient centrifugation. Fractions having different G + C content were obtained, and their reassociation rates analysed. At high C(o)t value of renaturation (C(o)t=50) the amount of reassociated sequences included in the high or in the low buoyant density DNA fractions was approximately the same, but their G + C content was as expected different. At lower C(o)t values of renaturation (between C(o)t of 0.2 and the C(o)t of 10), the results indicated an heterogeneity of the repeated sequences in the A + T rich DNA fractions, as compared to the G + C rich ones.