Multiple primary tumours in laryngeal cancer

In a series of 1,389 cases of laryngeal cancer, multiple primary malignancies were found in 138 cases, 9.94 per cent. In these 138 patients, the most frequent sites of occurrence were the stomach and lung. Nine cases of triplicated malignancies and two cases of quadruplicate malignancies were found, and all died from the cancers. So-called radiation induced cancers were found in the 13 cases, showing a tendency toward field carcinogenesis or multicentric carcinogenesis. In 76 per cent of multiple primary tumours, the second or third tumour was the cause of death. The importance of inquiry regarding other malignancies in treatment and follow-up of laryngeal cancer was discussed. To obtain better survival of laryngeal cancer patients, early diagnosis and early treatment of the second primary tumours is essential.