Morphology and physiology of abducens motoneurons and internuclear neurons intracellularly injected with horseradish peroxidase in alert squirrel monkeys

Axons of abducens motoneurons and internuclear neurons were penetrated with HRP‐filled glass microelectrodes in alert squirrel monkeys. The firing rate of these axons and spontaneous eye movements were recorded and the axons were then injected with HRP for subsequent visualization of the recorded cells. Soma‐dendritic and axon and axonal terminal morphology were studied for possible correlation with firing frequency. The physiology of squirrel monkey abducens neurons is qualitatively similar to their counterparts in the rhesus monkey and the cat, being primarily correlated with the position and velocity of the eyes. The locations of moto‐ and internuclear neurons are similar in the squirrel monkey and cat as are the axonal projections and terminals. However, squirrel monkey abducens cells are smaller than their feline counterparts and have dendrites that are confined to the cellular borders of the abducens nucleus. The size of the soma and proximal dendrites of moto‐ and internuclear neurons are poorly correlated with either their threshold for recruitment or their tonic eye position sensitivity. However, cells with smaller dendritic trees tended to have higher saccadic eye velocity sensitivity than those with larger trees. Three types of internuclear neurons were distinguishable upon the basis of their axon collaterals. All cells terminated within the medial rectus subdivision of the oculomotor nucleus. One class of cells did not give rise to collaterals before projecting to the oculomotor nucleus and the other classes gave rise to collaterals that terminated in the intermediate and/or caudal interstitial nuclei of the median longitudinal fasciculus. Within the IIIrd nucleus internuclear terminations were usually confined to a single subgroup of medial rectus motoneurons.