Campylobacter pyloridisin Peptic Ulcer Disease: I. Gastric and Duodenal Infection Caused byC. pyloridis:Histopathologic and Microbiologic Findings

In this study 153 patients with dyspepsia were biopsied in the gastric antrum and duodenum. All specimens were investigated histopathologically and microbiologically for the presence of Campylobacter pyloridis, and the type of inflammation was recorded in accordance with Morson's criteria. C. pyloridis was found beneath the mucus close to the epithelial cells and mostly in connection with granulocytic infiltration (active gastritis). C. pyloridis was cultured from all of 10 patients with histologically active gastritis and active duodenitis, in 86% of 64 patients with active gastritis and morphologically normal duodenum, and in only 5% of 79 patients without morphologic gastric and duodenal changes. The close relation between active gastritis and C. pyloridis shows that C. pyloridis plays an important role in gastric inflammation, as it fulfils the criterion for a localized bacterial infection.