The samples tested were annealed punched rings of commercial sheet steel such as is used in electrical apparatus, containing 0.9 to 4 percent silicon. Temperature coefficients were determined in the range from -20° to +46°C. As the induction was increased from 2 to 10 kilogausses, the coefficient decreased from +.12% per 1°C to -.021% for 0.9% Si, from +.08% to -.08% for 2.2% Si, and from -.03% to -.18% for 4% Si. Each curve showed a minimum at 10 kilogausses although the maximum permeability normally occurs at 6 to 8 kilogausses. This minimum corresponds to 2 gilberts per cm and is sharper the higher the Si content. These results indicate that the temperature coefficient is more directly related to the induction than to the permeability.

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