The lethal effects of mustard gas, di(2-chloroethyl) sulphide, in the albino rat have been counteracted by Thiocit, a mixture of sodium thiosulphate and trisodium citrate in the ratio 10: 1, administered intraperitoneally in a dose of 2.75 g./kg. Thiocit afforded complete protection against greater than the median lethal dose of mustard gas whether given 10 min. before or 10 min. after mustard gas and raised the LD50 of mustard gas by approximately three times. The protection appeared whether the total dose of Thiocit was given in one injection or serially over 30 min. The effective doses of sodium thiosulphate and of Thiocit in rats were of the order of 3.0 g./kg. Sodium thiosulphate alone and Thiocit have been administered in single doses by slow infusion, by stomach tube and in drinking water. Both have shown activity by all routes of administration, but activity was greatest by intraperitoneal injection. The use of Thiocit in conjunction with mustard gas therapy is suggested.