1. Amounts of gibberellin extractable from young bean seedlings using phosphate buffer, and following acid hydrolysis, or protease treatment, have been examined and compared with those obtained using methanol extraction. 2. Considerable differences in the amounts of gibberellins extractable are found for different batches of material. The level of extracted gibberellin is less for dry seeds and for 1-day old seedlings than for seedlings 4 days old. Before germination, the amounts of free, buffer-soluble, gibberellins are low, but these rise rapidly in the postgermination period. 3. The appearance of large amounts of free gibberellins in the cotyledons, believed to represent the conversion of bound forms, is not dependent upon the presence of the embryonic axis, since removal of this at planting has only a small effect on the amount of gibberellin extractable at day 4. There is evidence for synthesis of new gibberellin in the intact seedling by day 4. 4. α amylase activity in the cotyledons also develops in the absence of the embryo, but the high levels of activity shown by intact seedlings are not reached in cotyledons cultured in absence of the embryo.