Egg production in relation to the results of a long term serological survey of 73 flocks of fowl

Seventy‐three flocks of fowl were tested at regular intervals for the presence of precipitins to fowl adenovirus (AV) and infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), haem‐agglutinating inhibiting antibodies to BC14 virus, and of agglutinins to Mycoplasma gallisepticum (M.g.) and Mycoplasma synoviae (M.s.). In all the eight flocks affected with Egg Drop Syndrome (EDS ‘76), egg production problems were associated with increasing numbers of BCI4 virus reactors and AV reactors. In flocks showing production problems other than EDS ‘76 without any apparent cause, the average percentage of AV reactors increased significantly after the rearing period; this was not true of IBV reactors. BC14 reactors were either absent or present only once, in small numbers and with low titres, during the test period. The average percentage of AV reactors did not increase after the rearing period either in normally producing flocks or in flocks with production problems for which other diseases or dietary errors plausibly accounted for these problems. All this suggests a pathogenic role of AV in production problems. One can conclude from the high percentage of reactors in all groups of flocks that sub‐clinical IBV infections are common. The percentage of IBV reactors during the laying period of flocks with EDS ‘76 was significantly higher than that of normally producing flocks. It is therefore suggested that subclinical IBV infection could be among the factors causing stress, acting as a trigger for EDS ‘76. All M.g.‐infected flocks showed production problems; M.s. infections could not be related to egg production disturbances.