Pasteurella multocida in Wild Mammals and Birds in California: Prevalence and Virulence for Turkeys

Samples collected from the oropharynx of wild mammals and birds trapped on 36 turkey farms in California were evaluated for the presence of Pasteurella multocida. A total of 966 animals were collected from 18 premises that had experienced an outbreak of fowl cholera within the past 2-8 months; samples were collected from 16 of these 18 premises within 2-8 weeks of outbreak notification and while the infected flock was still present. A total of 939 animals were trapped from an additional 18 premises that had not reported any outbreaks of fowl cholera within at least 4 months, if ever. Forty-eight isolates of P. multocida, of a variety of somatic serotypes, were recovered from 6 species of mammals and 3 species of birds. On only 2 of 7 premises was the somatic serotype of the isolates obtained from wildlife the same as the isolate obtained from tissues of turkeys that had died of fowl cholera on the same premises. Tests for virulence to turkeys were conducted with 31 of the isolates. Seventeen of these isolates caused mortality in turkeys. Wide ranges in mortality rates and median times to death were observed.