Linkage Relations of Crest, Dominant White and Frizzling in the Fowl

The study demonstrates that the 3 autosomal factors crest, dominant white, and frizzling belong to the same linkage group and are arranged on the chromosome in the order named. A total of 1105 gametes, including both new and previously published data on dominant white and frizzling, gives a cross-over percentage of 17.1. Gametes totaling 1984 give a cross-over percentage for crest and dominant white of 12.5. The cross-over value for crest and frizzling determined by 677 gametes was 29.4. In 284 gametes, where double crossing-over could be tested, no double crossovers were recorded. [female][female] showed a slightly higher % of crossing-over than [male][male], although the difference may be of questionable significance. Data are presented to support the view that cerebral hernia is the homozygous expression of crest.