Clinical characteristics and proliferating activity of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma

To assist in the development of new approach to the palliation and treatment of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas, we classified tumours into mass‐forming (MF), peri‐ductal extension (PD), and spicula‐forming (SF) types in 14 subjects who underwent surgical treatment. Lymph node metastasis and microscopic lymphatic invasion were pronounced in the PD and SF types. Furthermore, in SF type tumours the incidence of microscopic vascular and perineural invasion was high. The proliferating cell nuclear antigen labelling index, a reflection of the proliferation rate of tumour cells, was significantly higher in PD and SF types than in the MF type. The prognosis associated with the MF type tended to be better than that of the other two types.For the MF type, liver resection with tumour free margins must be performed, whereas for the PD and SF types, aggressive treatment, that is a combination of extensive liver resection, lymph node dissection, and effective adjuvant anti‐cancer therapy should be provided to aim at life‐long cure.