Owing to the great difficulties of experimental interference with the embryogenesis of mammals, the morphogenetic potentialities of the mammalian eye remain almost unstudied up to the present. The elucidation of whether the developing mammalian eye obeys the same rules that have been established for the lower vertebrates, or whether its development proceeds in another way, is interesting in many respects. It might allow us to answer a number of questions, e.g. how stable are the morphogenetic interactions within the vertebrates which result in the formation of homologous organs? How do the morphogenetic potentials of the parts of an organ alter in the course of evolution? Light might also be thrown on the development or loss of regenerative capacity in various forms. Lastly, we may find out to what extent the experiments on lower vertebrates, easily carried out on a large scale, are of use for the understanding of those processes which cause regularly recurring inborn malformations in man.