Phenomenological Consequences of Right-handed Down Squark Mixings

If the underlying flavor symmetry is Abelian, mixings in $d_R$ sector are most prominent. Their effects can show through $\tilde d_R$ squarks under supersymmetry. Alignment is necessary to deal with $\Delta m_K$ and $\epsilon_K$ constraints, but interestingly, with $m_{\tilde q}$, $m_{\tilde g} \sim$ TeV, the effects are comparable to Standard Model for $B_d$ and $B_s$ mixings, while $D^0$ mixing is tantalizing close to a hint from data. $CP$ phases in these mixings would be deviant, and $| V_{td}|$ and $\arg V_{ub}^*$ may be larger than allowed by CKM constraints. With non-standard soft breaking terms, an extra $\tan\beta$ enhancement could generate sizable mixing induced CP violation in $b\to s\gamma$ and $d\gamma$ transitions.

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