Dopamine‐immunoreactive neurones in the central nervous system of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis

The distribution of dopamine and dopamine-immunoreactive neurones was studied in the central nervous system of the snail Lymnaea stagnalis. The results from immunocytochemical labelling were compared with those from the application of the glyoxylic acid fluorescence method and 6-hydroxydopamine-induced pigment labelling. Comparisons were also made between the number of dopamine immunoreactive neurones and the dopamine content of the ganglia, measured by high-performance liquid chromatography. Dopamine immunocytochemistry proved to be superior to the other two histochemical techniques in terms of specificity and sensitivity. The 6-hydroxydopamine-induced pigment labelling failed to prove a useful tool for the in vivo identification of all dopamine-containing neurones. The distribution and number of dopamine-immunoreactive neurones and levels of biochemically measured dopamine in specific ganglia showed a close correspondence. By using the results of the dopamine immunocytochemistry and glyoxylic acid technique, a detailed map of dopamine-containing neurones was constructed. Dopamine-containing inter- and intra-ganglionic axon tracts were also demonstrated. The mapping of dopamine-containing neurones will facilitate further neurophysiological analysis of dopaminergic neural mechanisms in Lymnaea.